Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Through Glass


So everyone who read my Imdalind Series post {HERE} knows that I adore Rebecca Ethington.  She is one of the most amazing authors I’ve found in quite some time.  However, I was not as blown away by Through Glass (sorry Rebecca) as Imdalind.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hunger Games, continued...


So now you’ve heard how I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to read these books and you are probably wondering – So what’s your assessment?  What did you think?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I’m kinda weird when it comes to bandwagons.  Either I’m one of the first people on board and begging others to join… like I was with Harry Potter and now with the Imdalind Series.  OR I see a huge bandwagon and it turns me off… like I was for years with Twilight.  Now anyone who has read my blog at all probably knows what a huge Twilight fan I am now, so as you can see – even though I can sometimes be a hard sell, once I’m sold there is no going back!