I’ve said before that I want to learn something I can take
away from my reading. I want to gain
some sort of insight into the world.
Lately, I’ve been wondering if there is anything I’m learning (the stuff
I’ve been reading does seem pretty mindless).
Then, the other night, I was faced with a problem that I really just
wanted to go away. I didn’t want to deal
with it; I just wanted it gone. So when
my dear, sweet hubby asked if there was anything he could do to help, I jokingly
said I wanted him to call a wizard to poof it away. He laughed and said he didn’t know where Oz
was located.
It started me thinking though (and I even remarked to him)
that honestly if I’ve learned anything from all my paranormal reading it is
that magic doesn’t really solve anything.
There are all sorts of instances where it actually creates more problems
than it fixes. The book I’m reading
right now, Reckless Magic by Rachel
Higginson, is the perfect example of that.
When Eden discovers she’s more than just a teenager with a penchant for
having weird things happen around her, that she’s actually a witch, it just
makes life so much more complicated. Not
only is she now faced with a monarchy she never knew existed, but it rules her
life and brings with it all sorts of complications.
There are so many examples throughout the books I’ve
read: Mind Readers (if you’ve ever thought it would be easier if you just
knew what someone else was thinking, let me just say IT’S NOT). Elementals
(ever wished you could control the elements so you could say, stop the rain, etc. Well that brings a slew of problems
with it!) The list could go on and on.
All this brought to mind a quote I heard from JK Rowling once
in speaking about Harry Potter. She said, “I think
it’s about ‘This world is cruel.’ It’s
as cruel as our world. It’s just – it’s
a mirror image. And just as they can
solve things that we can’t solve, so they can create problems that we don’t
have. And that’s always been the problem
for Harry. That he enters this world and
believes it will be an escape and it’s not.
Human nature is human nature, whether or not you can use a wand.”
I think it’s that human nature that
says “If only I could do magic all my problems would go away.” But the good thing about reading books like
these is that they teach us not to think like that. We will always have problems and rather than
wish them away we need to face them and tackle them with everything we’ve
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