So I picked out this book because the Amazon reviews all
said things like what Kristin of Better
Read Than Dead said about it: "It's been a while since I have read a
really good YA vampire book. They have become so cliché that I often avoid
them. Imagine my surprise when I picked up Ignite
and fell in love with it by page 17."
I'm a vampire lover and enjoy any tale that is certainly unlike any other and
that grabs and piques my interest. Ignite certainly did this." -- K.M.
So imagine my surprise when the first quarter of the book
was nothing more than a Twilight re-write?!
Opening scene… girl looking up at her new school: CHECK
First day (while at lunch no less) she sees a group of
gorgeous otherworldly people (one guy, in particular, grabs her attention): CHECK
This gorgeous guy seems to hate her at first, but comes
around little by little: CHECK
He saves her life: CHECK
Then she finds out he’s a vampire: CHECK
So to be honest I almost didn’t even make it to the quarter
mark… I mean talk about cliché!!
**YAWN** But, I kept reading
mostly because all the reviews mentioned surprises—they couldn’t all be wrong,
could they? That and the other big
difference: Kira is no Bella!! This girl is self-confident and full of fire
(no shy hidden blossom here!).
So, as to that “full of fire” thing… in the same scene that
she discovers Tristan is a vampire, well—she also discovers that she can shoot
fire out of her hands. Cool! Now things get interesting!
So it turns out that Kira is not your ordinary girl (duh, I
just said she can shoot fire out of her hands).
She is a descendent of a long line of vampire hunters. Two different lines actually: The Protectors and The Punishers. And the two are never supposed to marry and
NEVER to have a child, but that’s just what happened with her. Her parents disobeyed that law and had
her. Then when she was very young they
were killed by vampires, leaving her to be raised by her aunt (who never got
around to telling her about the vampires or even that she was adopted…
confusing much?).
So now what to do?
She’s already falling for none other than a vampire (and, no, these
vampires can’t drink animal blood… gotta be human), but she has been born to
fight them. But Tristan is different
than other vampires, he’s more human and compassionate. He learned years ago to use blood banks so
that he doesn’t harm humans. And he
really does fall for her as well.
Of course, the story wouldn’t be complete without the jealous
ex that Tristan leaves behind to be with Kira.
She is set on revenge and on turning Tristan back into a “true” vampire
(leaving all the silliness of drinking from bags behind).
I do have to admit that after I got past the Twilight
flashbacks of the first part of the book, it was pretty good. But what it really got me to thinking about
was this: where do all these vampire
myths come from and why is it ok for every paranormal series written to have
its own set of “rules” for the mythical creatures? So I looked into the history of the
Paranormal Romance. This infographic
was especially entertaining.

But even more research finally led me to the conclusion that it’s OK because paranormal is a
sub-genre of fantasy. So basically it's
fantasy set in a more modern environment.
And being fantasy means the rules are up to the writer. Sure there have to BE rules or the story
falls apart and nobody is really interested, but if you can bend the laws of
physics why would you let the laws of previously written vampires hold you
So if Stephanie Meyer wants her vampires to drink animal blood
and sparkle… great. And if Davis wants
her vampires to be able to live off donated blood from a bag… cool. Who
cares if Anne Rice would laugh? It’s
all make-believe anyway.
It is fascinating that the first paranormal creature as a romantic partner was not written until 1987! "Nothing new under the sun?" Well, there was in 1987!