Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Another "Meh" List

Do writers always have a story in their head?  Do they always have something they could write about? Even when they have writer’s block, is the story still there?  Under the surface?  Waiting to be written?  These are the questions that fill my head because I know I am “supposed” to write a blog post, but I have nothing to write about.  

Honestly, I could write yet another “Meh” post because that’s about all the stories I’ve read lately amount to.  But who wants to read about “Meh” books?  I want to write about something I’m passionate about.  I want to write about a book that was FANTASTIC or TERRIBLE… either passion is acceptable, but not “meh.”

I have considered going back to books I’ve read in the past, but it is very hard to remember enough details to do justice to what I have read a year or more ago.  And somehow I doubt anyone wants to read one more time about what I am reading at the moment, ie Twilight … I know if you’ve followed my blog at all you’re probably sick to death of hearing about it.  If you haven’t followed my blog before the links to every post I’ve written specifically about that series can be found {HERE}  {HERE}  {HERE}  &  {HERE} but it would take too much room to list all the times I’ve compared other books to them … I know, obsession is the word that comes to mind, but like Pride and Prejudice, I just seem to turn back to them again and again, lol.

So… I guess I'll add a list of books I've considered "Meh" recently so I can perhaps save you from wasting your time:

The Lake by AnnaLisa Grant … unless you want to hear every minute 
      internal dialog of an awkward angsty teen I’d pass.

Devour by Shelly Crane … I loved her Significance series, but her 
      unimaginative naming of things just got too much in this book and the 
      plot wasn’t good enough to overlook it this time.

Prowl Trilogy by Amber Garza … I love that this is a Christian version of 
      paranormal but it just fell flat somewhere in the second book.  (I will 
      say it was VERY close to getting a blog post so maybe I shouldn’t call 
      it a waste of time)

PULSE Vampire Series by Kailin Gow … this was worse than a love triangle!  
      How many stupid vampires can fall in love with the same girl and why 
      the heck can she not make a choice and stick with it?!?!

Dangerous (Elemental PreserversBook 1) by Alycia Linwood … seriously 
      weird and more awkwardness than I can handle.

Beloved Evangeline by W.C. Anderson … this one I tried breaking into the 
      “Adult” version of Paranormal and it was just too weird for me. 
      couldn’t figure out if the main character was just insane or if these 
      visions were supposed to be “real.”

Dirty Blood by Heather Hildenbrand … can’t honestly remember what I 
      didn’t like about it – I just remember that it had a sequel and I wasn’t 
      going to waste my time reading more and didn’t have any inclination 
      to write about it.

If for some reason the little blurb I have written about any of these books has piqued your interest instead of hampering it, by all means, click the title to be taken to the Amazon page for that book (except for Beloved Evangeline which seems to have disappeared from Amazon).  And the next time I read a book I’m passionate about I can’t wait to tell you about it.

**Disclaimer: Some of the books mentioned above I finished... some I did not.  If there is one you have read and loved, please comment and let me know - maybe I'll go back and finish it to see if it changes my perspective.

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